Projects in Turkey
Turkey - Project A
An initial feasibility study for a 2,400 cow turnkey dairy feedlot operation on behalf of a private investor was undertaken by Intelact International.
This investigation initially lead to utilising some of the best dairy designers in the USA, along with a local Turkish construction giant, to build a modern dairy housing and milking facility.
This farm is on 2500ha of land with the majority of the area growing alfalfa, corn and cereal, which provides the bulk of the forage for the herd and young stock.
The unique dairy facility design includes rearing facilities for all male progeny which are grown for beef. The dairy operation has been so successful that the second phase of the dairy is now well underway. When complete, this very modern agribusiness will milk 4,800 cows. Intelact International is continuing to provide consultancy expertise to the operations team in the area of animal health, nutrition and crop production which has contributed to this dairy operation being the highest producing dairy herd in Turkey.
Turkey - Project B
This large, diversified and vertically integrated agribusiness has expanded its portfolio to include crop production. Comprised of more than 6,000 hectares, the farm is located in the eastern part of Turkey. The deep clay loam soils and gently rolling topography create an ideal setting for producing high yield optimum quality grain and forage. The region is known for winter rainfall and the soils have the ability to retain significant amount of soil moisture creating the opportunity for modest yielding summer crop production. The cropping programme contains a mix of approximately 50% winter and 50% summer crops. The winter crop comprises mainly of wheat, with the company producing first generation seed wheat for Turkish farmers. Summer crops include safflower, sunflower, chickpeas, soybeans, corn and alfalfa. Centre pivot irrigation is currently being introduced.
Intelact international’s experience and knowledge in modern crop production, coupled with the hands on expertise of the company’s Global Technical and Operations Consultant, was utilised to guide and assist the company in developing a highly productive and modern fleet of agriculture equipment. This machinery contained the latest in proven precision agriculture technology including RTK guided auto steer, controlled traffic, row and section controllers for planters, sprayers and fertiliser spreaders, yield mapping and variable rate application. To conserve valuable soil moisture and to improve and protect soil quality, no-till practices were implemented into the cropping programme. Further training in, and utilisation of best practice agronomic principals will help make this relatively new cropping operation a highly productive, profitable and environmentally responsible agribusiness.
Intelact International’s animal production experts have completed an extensive feasibility study into various livestock enterprises including dairy cow, beef and dairy sheep operations. These findings will enable the company to make informed decisions on which livestock investment will give the highest return on investment.

Improvements in drainage, the introduction of centre pivot irrigation and a significant acquisition in equipment and modern farming practices is all part of this Turkey company’s investment in farming. A focus on no-till farming practices coupled with Precision Agriculture and intensive staff training are all part of the company’s farm strategy to achieve their objective.
Turkey - Project C
This company is primarily involved in media within and outside of Turkey. Our client has invested in a newly developed 1200 ha crop production operation in central southern Turkey. Because of the low rainfall, centre pivot irrigation is used extensively. Crops grown include corn silage, alfalfa and triticale silage. With the assistance of Intelact International, Precision Agriculture will increasingly be utilised on this operation to improve yields, reduce costs and improve profitability.
Intelact International is also responsible for assisting the owner and the cropping team to develop best practice cropping principals. In the near future, a large intensive dairy operation will be built on nearby land. Forage requirements for this new dairy will come from an expansion in cropping area.
Turkey - Project D - TIGEM Farming Group, Turkey
This government-owned farming group have a significant number of farms located throughout Turkey. A key strategy of this state owned enterprise is to produce seed for farmers throughout Turkey and to bred and supply animal genetics to the livestock producers. A combination of both dryland and irrigated land is used to produce crops such as wheat, lentils, vetch, canola, soybean, sunflower, corn and cotton.
Intelact International has recently visited and reviewed crop production practices on two of the farms. One farm consisted of over 4,000 ha and the second being nearly 180,000 ha. This farm is one of the largest single unit cropping operations in the world, and by 2015 will have over 90,000 ha of irrigation. TIGEM have the vision to intensify and modernise crop production practices on all their farms, with an emphasis on sustainable farming practices. Intelact International has given recommendations on irrigation best practice, equipment requirements and agronomy practices in order to meet the company’s objectives. A focus on controlled traffic and soil quality, along with fertiliser management are part of the recommendations for improving profitability and sustainability. Precision Agriculture will play a major role in assisting with increasing yields and reducing crop inputs.
Intelact International’s animal health specialist will also advise the TIGEM group’s animal division on animal health management protocols.

Large open fields with close proximity to water will allow the TIGEM group to utilise large scale agriculture equipment and introduce controlled traffic. The introduction of reduced tillage and no-till farming systems along with extensive use of Precision Agriculture will assist TIGEM to meet its objectives of improving profitability with a focus on sustainability.
Turkey Project E - Bestar
Intelact International's animal vet specialists are involved on a new greenfields farm in the Thrace region of Turkey advising on best modern dairy farm practice after the farm startup two years ago. The Thrace region is located in the area of European Turkey, which is approximately two hours drive from Istanbul.
The farm is presently milking 980 imported USA heifers with the first of the heifers now calving a second time. Current production is 30 litres/cow/day average with a 3.6% fat and 3.4% protein milk composition, which is sold to a local Turkish processor. The milking parlour is a 24 aside double parralel using GEA technology and milking equipment. The farm footprint is around 35ha and all feed is purchased in off farm. This confinement dairy is using all modern dairy farming methods, and part of Intelact International's consultancy responsibility includes up-skilling the staff and ensuring that all the appropriate Standard Operating Procedures are in place and staff are fully trained in all operational procedures.
Although the cow housing facilities were not fully completed before the first heifer shipment arrived there has been very few problems. The farm management team is constantly implementing operational improvements and, as a response, milk production continues to lift. The aim is to milk approximately 1200 cows and rear all young replacement stock on farm. Intelact International will provide ongoing consultancy to enhance the performance of the farm, with a focus on animal health, reproduction and nutrition management.